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Fine Arts Initiative

This year we are very excited to present increased ‘Fine Arts’ experiences and dedicated instruction for the students of Burch Creek Elementary.  This specialized instruction and exposure will occur in rotations, by grades. Fine Arts will happen on Tuesday & Thursday.

GOALS for the ‘Fine Arts’ at BC:

  • Stimulate creative thinking and expression
  • Create a culture of artistic awareness and literacy for different art forms and mediums
  • Integrate the arts to reinforce core standards and student learning objectives
  • Foster joy and confidence for both students and teachers


  • Visual Arts/Art Making - drawing, painting, sculpture, photography, poetry/literature, textiles, etc.
  • Music and Movement - Instruments, rhythm, dance, singing, composition, etc.
  • Performance Arts -  Musical and readers theaters, plays, storytelling, puppetry, film production, etc.

If you would like to get involved, click here!

FINE ARTS Team/Staff

Brenna Hyde

Mackenzie McFadden