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4th Grade - STEM Week @ Home

Dear parents,

STEM night is going to look different this year than in the past.  Each student who wants to participate needs to build and experiment with their STEM project at home.  We want you to send in pictures/videos so that we can see all of the creations.  In 4th grade we would like your student to build an egg car.  The car your student makes needs to be able to hold and protect an egg during a crash.  You will need to test their car at home going different speeds and at different angles running into the wall.  After the car has been completed and tested at home, you can send the completed car to school and we will test them here.  The car will be tested by going down a ramp into a wall.  Please help your child collect and build their cars.  Your child can use supplies such as toilet paper rolls, boxes, anything round for wheels, Legos, K-nex, or anything else they can think of.  Please try and use stuff you have on hand at home.  One thing we have learned is that if you put the egg in a plastic baggie before you test the car, the egg won’t make a big mess if it breaks!  It really helps with clean-up!  We have attached a worksheet that will help you with planning.  This is not meant to cost money!  We appreciate all the help and support you have given us.

If you have any questions please feel free to reach out to your child’s teacher.


4th Grade Teachers

Click this to open the Egg Car Design Document and download it!

Here is a preview of the Egg Car Design document:

Egg Car Design Page 1Egg Car Design Page 2