Parent Engagement Policy
Title I Parent and Family Engagement Plan
Burch Creek Elementary School
4300 Madison Ave.
South Ogden, UT 84403
Katie Amsden, Principal
Title I Parent and Family Engagement Policy
In collaboration with parents, Burch Creek Elementary faculty and staff have created a Parent and Family Engagement Plan which includes activities as outlined in section 1118 of the ESEA Act of 2001. In accordance with this policy, Burch Creek Elementary faculty and staff agrees to:
- Convene an annual meeting to explain the Title I program to parents and inform them of their right to be involved in the program;
- Offer a flexible number of meetings, to meet parent needs. Involve parents, “in an organized, ongoing and timely way,” in planning, review and improvement of Burch Creek Title I program;
- Provide timely information about its Title I programs to parents, describe the curriculum, the student assessments and proficiency levels students are expected to meet, provide opportunities for regular meetings where parents can provide input, and respond promptly to parent suggestions; and
- Provide parents with an opportunity to submit dissenting views to the Weber School District schoolwide program plan if the plan is not acceptable to them. Burch Creek dissenting views can be submitted to the Title I Coordinator at 5320 Adams Avenue, Ogden, Utah 84405.
In order to build capacity for parent engagement, Burch Creek Elementary faculty and staff will provide assistance to parents in such areas as understanding the State’s content standards and student performance standards. They will also offer assistance on information about state and local assessments, the requirements of this act and how to monitor their child’s progress. Burch Creek faculty and staff members will also provide parents with information as to how they can work with educators to improve the performance of their children and information as to how they can participate in decisions relating to the education of their children. This information will be shared at the annual meeting mentioned as well as the monthly calendar packet.
Burch Creek Elementary faculty and staff will provide two Title I family nights and will provide reasonable support for parental engagement activities as parents may request.
Burch Creek Elementary faculty and staff will inform parents of the Parent Resource Centers in the Weber School District including the Center located at Burch Creek. Information about the Parent Resource Centers will be distributed through newsletters and SEP conferences. Burch Creek Elementary will provide on-site training/activities to support parents in participating in the education of their child.
Burch Creek Elementary faculty and staff will ensure, to the extent possible, that information related to school and parent programs, meetings and other activities is sent to the home of participating children in the language used in such homes.
To the extent practicable, Burch Creek Elementary faculty and staff will provide full opportunities for the participation of parents with limited English proficiency or with disabilities, including providing information and school profiles in a language and form parents understand.
In collaboration with parents, Burch Creek Elementary faculty and staff have created a school parent compact. Compact was included in the Back to School information packet.