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Minutes April 14, 2016


Burch Creek Elementary School

Community Council Meeting Minutes

April 14, 2016

  1. In attendance: Nicole McGarry, Amy Rich, Jennifer Hansen, Seth Robinson, Alicia Robinson, Jessica Volpe, Melanie Wilhelmsen, Justin Willie, Rick Proffer, Johnathon England
  2. Nicole McGarry informed the council that she had talked to Paula Plant regarding how to add future council members.  Nicole was told that we could not add any council members at this time.  Rick Proffer will find out when more council members may be added.
  3. Rick Proffer and Nicole McGarry informed the council that a law recently passed Utah legislation that will allow schools to receive more land trust money each year.  However, there will need to be a change in the Utah Constitution and that will probably be on the ballot this November.  The changes will not result in an increase in taxes, rather it is a change in the allocation of invested funds and dividends.  Burch Creek Community Council may want to form a sub-committee in the future to educate parents about that possible amendment to the Utah Constitution.
  4. Seth Robinson was nominated to be Vice Chair by Nicole McGarry.  Melanie Wilhelmsen seconded the nomination and the vote was unanimous.  Melanie Wilhelmsen was nominated to be Secretary by Amy Rich.  Nicole McGarry seconded the nomination and the vote was unanimous.
  5. The council reviewed Rick Proffer’s proposed Burch Creek School Land Trust Plan for 2016-2017.  Recommendations were made and the plan was slightly altered.  The trust land money will be used for aide salaries and benefits, technology, and the formation of a Watch D.O.G.S. (Dads of Great Students) program.  Mr. Proffer will finalize the plan and the council members will need to verify it’s accuracy before it is submitted.
  6. Melanie Wilhelmsen volunteered to head the sub-committee that will oversee the implementation of the Watch D.O.G.S. (Dads of Great Students) program.  She will have information available in time for Burch Creek Elementary School’s back to school night.
  7. Rick Proffer educated the council members about SAGE testing and how it is used as goal for our land trust plan.  The council determined that the goal will be “Students score 50% on end of year ELA SAGE or have growth of 40 points or higher from the beginning to the end of the year.”  This is an optimistically high goal.
  8. The 2016-2017 Community Council meeting dates will be held at 5:30 p.m. in the Community Room of Burch Creek Elementary School on:                    i.  September 8, 2016                   ii.  November 10, 2016                  iii.  January 12, 2017                  iv.  March 9, 2017
  9. Melanie Wilhelmsen motioned that the meeting be adjourned.  Nicole McGarry seconded the motion.  All were in favor and the meeting was adjourned.