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Family Resource Center

Weber Family Resource Center

February 26th, 2024

Dear Families,

For many years the old Club Heights Elementary had a family resource center to provide families access to books, games, and community resources. Once Club Heights and MarLon Hills Elementary school combined to make Burch Creek Elementary, the family resource center moved to our building and provided some of the same resources. Over the years, the usage of the family resource center decreased substantially. The Family Resource Center was funded and paid for by Title I money. Under the direction of the Weber School District and Title I it was determined that the money used for the Family Resource Center would be better allocated within Weber School District and Burch Creek Elementary. This room is now used for our school counselor and will become a classroom next year as we will be hosting many additional students from Roosevelt Elementary.  All of the resources such as books, games, DVD's etc. were given to families at our school during the last parent teacher conference. While it was sad to see the center go, the internet and on-line resources provide so many resources for families. If you feel your family needs additional community support, you can reach out to Mrs. Conde our school counselor and she can  point you in the right direction.