Funding Summary

24-25 School Land Trust Plan for Burch Creek Elementary with funds allocation for the 24-25 school year.

State Goal 24-25

65% of students in grades K-6 will show typical or above typical growth using Acadience

Pathways of Progress.

Academic Area

English/Language Arts

Measurements to support the 2024-2025 goal will be Acadience Reading Pathways to progress. This assessment will show if 65% of students in grades K-6 made typical or above typical growth from the beginning of the school year 2024 to the end of the school year 2025-

Action Plan Steps and Expenditures

  1. Para-Professionals will be hired to support school-wide reading needs based on data review. ($45,000)

  2. The para-professionals will work with small groups of students using the 95% group materials and other research-based reading strategies to support students with all aspects of literacy. ($0)

  3. We will purchase IXL licenses for students in grades 1-6 to access additional literacy support. ($5000)

  4. Para-professionals will be hired and used during teacher PLC time to enable teachers to collaborate, review data and make unit plans during the school year. ($10,000)

  5. Chromebooks will be leased and any additional technology will be purchased (including but not limited to; flat line screens to replace aging smartboards, additional school literacy licenses, and other technology needs that arise) ($20,000)

  6. Substitute teachers to cover classrooms) while teachers attend and/or are trained on research based reading strategies. ($4000)