Rules and Procedures

Burch Creek School Rules and Procedures

Accidents and illness

If a student is injured on school grounds, a field trip, or on the bus, and the injury is other than what appears to be minor to the school staff, the parents will be notified and asked to pick up the child for their own observation or examination by the family physician.  If a student becomes ill during school, the parent will be contacted by the school and the child will be brought to the nurse’s room in the school office.

Attendance (Utah’s Compulsory Attendance Law mandates attendance)

A successful school experience is the responsibility of the child, the parents, and the school.  There is a correlation between your child’s progress, both academic and social, and his or her participation at school.  We encourage that children not be allowed to stay home unless they are ill. If a student is ill or an emergency arises, parents should call the school to report the absence.  If a student is absent more than 10 times in a given school year, they may be placed on a school tracking system and parents/guardians of the student may be required to meet with school personnel to create an Attendance Plan.

Bicycles, Skateboards, Scooters or Rollerblades

Skateboards and rollerblades are prohibited at school.  Students may ride their bikes or scooters to school, but are responsible for securing them in the bike rack (located in the courtyard next to kindergarten on the southeast side of the building).  DUE TO SAFETY ISSUES, STUDENTS WHO LIVE NORTH OF 40TH ST. AND WEST OF WASHINGTON BLVD. ARE PROHIBITED FROM RIDING BIKES OR SCOOTERS TO SCHOOL.


Students not in their classrooms by 8:30 AM will be considered tardy, unless they are excused by a parent/guardian.  Students arriving at school after 8:30 AM must sign-in at the office.


Students will only be released to a legal guardian, or person(s) listed as an emergency contact. NO STUDENT WILL BE ALLOWED TO WALK HOME DURING THE SCHOOL DAY.  STUDENTS WILL ONLY BE CHECKED OUT TO A LEGAL GUARDIAN OR DESIGNATED EMERGENCY CONTACT. Students may not be checked out from the classroom. If a student must leave school early, parents must check them out through the office.  Learning time is valuable. Please arrange for your children to attend the entire school day. Excessive early check-outs may result in a student being placed on a Plan of Attendance.


Bus transportation is provided for students who live north of 40th St. and west of Washington Blvd.  Students in these areas MAY NOT WALK TO SCHOOL; they must ride the bus or be transported to school through other arrangements made by their parent or guardian instead.  Information related to busing should be directed to the district Transportation Dept. at (801) 476-7930.

Parents/Guardians are responsible for making transportation arrangements with daycare/afterschool care providers (including on-time pick-up/drop-off) and must communicate any changes to the provider and the school.  Changes in daycare arrangements MUST be provided to the school in writing by a parent/guardian.

Damage to School Property

Students are responsible for proper care of computers, Chromebooks, iPads, schoolbooks, library books, etc., and must pay for any loss or damage.

Dress Code Policy

The Board of Education of the Weber School District recognizes that standards of proper dress and grooming affect the behavior of students attending school. Students are expected to maintain a type of dress that is conducive to the educational process. Emphasis is placed on neatness, cleanliness, safety, and modesty in personal appearance.

The following dress and grooming standards have been adopted and applied at Burch Creek Elementary:

  1. Clothing not ordinarily worn in the workplace may not be worn at school    (e.g. robes, pajamas, house slippers) unless it is an approved school activity. 

  2. Appropriate footwear must be worn at all times. 

  3. Shorts, skirts, and dresses must extend to the mid-thigh or lower. No mini-skirts, mini dresses or short shorts at school.

  4. Shirts and tops may not have bare midriffs or be revealing at the chest, stomach, back, or arm holes. Tank tops, halter tops, and spaghetti straps are not allowed at school.  See-through, lacy tops are not allowed without another shirt underneath.

  5. Distressed pants that are shredded above the knee are not allowed unless worn with another layer of clothing beneath them.

  6. Underclothes (e.g. bras, underwear) must be worn underneath clothing and may not be worn outside of or on top of other clothing, or where they are exposed or can be seen. 

  7. For security purposes, hats or other types of head coverings such as scarves, sweatbands, hoods on hoodies, bandanas, etc. may not be worn in the building. Hats will be confiscated if worn in the building. (On a case by case basis, the administration may make an allowance based on beliefs related to faith, religion, etc.)

  8. Sunglasses may not be worn in the building.

  9. Hair or makeup that tends to disrupt, distract or interfere with the learning atmosphere will not be allowed. 

  10. Visible body graffiti, such as marker/pen drawings on exposed skin is not permitted. 

  11. Clothing with designs, printed words, or slogans that are suggestive, obscene, in poor taste, promote violence, or that refer to a substance or activity which is illegal for a minor will not be allowed; clothing which refers to ale, beer, or other alcoholic beverages, smoked or smokeless tobacco, breweries, or illegal drugs may not be worn.

  12. Gang-related clothing, attire, and fashion is prohibited. Gang apparel and fashion changes, and new standards will be enforced as we receive information from our local gang task force and local law enforcement.

Students may be asked to call home for a change of clothes if dressed inappropriately. Repeat or severe offenses may be referred to the principal. 

Emergency Information

It is the responsibility of parents/guardians to provide contact information and phone numbers, at which they can be reached during school hours; parents/guardians must contact the school office with any changes/updates in contact information, as soon as they occur.

Weber School District has a notification system in place to help contact parents/guardians in the event of a school closure or an emergency.  In the event of an emergency at school, students will remain under staff supervision until a person listed on the emergency contact list is available to pick them up.  If off-site evacuation from the building is necessary, a command center will be set up at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints 3rd/4th Ward located at 4075 Orchard Avenue, S. Ogden.

We have written emergency preparedness plans for numerous possibilities that outline what will take place in the event of an emergency situation. Plans are reviewed with the faculty and staff on a monthly basis.

Field Trips

Your child will bring home a permission form giving the destination and date of any field trips.  This form must be signed and returned to the teacher, in order for your student to go on the field trip.  All students must be transported to/from field trips on district buses. Students may not be checked out while on a field trip.  They must return to school and follow checkout procedures at the school office.


Candy should remain at home, unless given prior teacher permission.  Treats for birthdays or other occasions are sometimes handed out at school.  As per policy of the Weber-Morgan Health Department, homemade foods cannot be brought to school and shared.  Several of our students have serious food allergies--check with your child’s teacher prior to sending treats.

Lost and Found

Articles found, but not identified, are placed in our lost and found area located next to the entrance to the gym.  Unclaimed articles are given to charitable organizations at the end of the school year.


No medication may be brought to school unless the proper forms have been completed, signed and filed with the secretary and school nurse (this includes over the counter pain relievers).  Students are not allowed to carry and use their asthma inhalers at school without signed authorizations from their parent/guardian and health care provider.


When it is necessary to send money to school, please put it in a sealed envelope, and write the following information on the outside: child’s name, homeroom teacher’s name, grade level, amount, and purpose of payment.

Personal Items

Toys, electronic games, lasers, MP3 players, or any other items, which will interfere with learning, or are a safety hazard should not be brought to school, unless teacher permission has been given for a specific activity (see attached Digital Media Device Policy).  Absolutely no items are to be brought to school that resemble or could be used as a weapon.  (See attached Safe School Policy)

Cell Phones

If students choose to bring a cell phone to school, it must remain silent, out-of-sight, and may not be used during the school day without explicit staff permission.  Students and parents are responsible for loss of, or damage to, cell phones while on campus.

Telephone Use

The school office phone is reserved for student use in the event of illness, emergency, or other similar circumstances.  Students must get permission and a pass from their teachers to use the phone. Students will be allowed to use the telephone without a pass after 3:30 p.m. to contact parents.  This allows the phone lines to remain open for parent calls and also makes allowance for rides that may be running late.                                                                    

Transportation to and from school:   Please discuss pedestrian safety with your students.

  1.   Use sidewalks (where available) and crosswalks.

  2.   Follow directions of crossing guard.

Pick up/Drop off of Students

  1.   Students should be dropped-off/picked-up in the front of the school in the loading zone. Parents should pull all the way forward to the furthest available space and exit the loading zone immediately after their child safely exits the vehicle.

  2.   The loading zone forward of the main crosswalk/entrance to the school is for daycare/afterschool care providers only after school, but may be used in the morning by parents/guardians.

  3.   Crosswalks should be followed onto school grounds.  The bus zone is located at the north end of the school.  For your child’s safety, students MAY NOT be picked-up/dropped-off in the bus zone.     

  4.   Students should wait on the front sidewalk for their transportation to arrive in their designated areas (K-by the kindergarten entrance, 1st Grade on the curved sidewalk in front of the flagpole, 3rd-6th on the sidewalk facing the loading zone away from the curb).

  5.   Parents with parked cars should exit the vehicle and accompany their child across the parking lot back to the vehicle, using designated crosswalks. Students will not be permitted to enter the parking lot unattended.  Parents should follow the directional arrows in the parking lot to pick up students.


Parents/Guardians are welcome and encouraged to visit and volunteer at our school. The staff at Burch Creek Elementary wish to keep all students safe.  All visitors/volunteers must check-in at the office, present ID and sign in, wear a visitor pass during your stay, and sign-out prior to leaving. If you are interested in becoming a school volunteer, please contact the PTA, teachers, or administration for prior approval.  All volunteers and visitors must follow the established rules, policies, and procedures of the school and district.

Rules/Procedures: Burch Creek Elementary has three school rules, which are the foundation for success in life and learning.  

  1.   Respect

  2.   Responsibility

  3.   Safety

Students who demonstrate these three qualities will have an opportunity to earn Barracuda Bucks and the positive recognition of “a job well done”.

Students who struggle with following the school rules will have opportunities to correct their behavior and may experience natural or logical consequences as a result of their behavior.  Serious or major behavior infractions will be dealt with by the principal.

Barracuda Bucks

Students who are “caught” following the school rules of Respect, Responsibility, and Safety, may be given “Barracuda Bucks” by school staff and volunteers, which they can exchange for prizes.  While it is an awesome thing to get Barracuda Bucks, our hope is that students seek out the satisfaction and joy that comes from a “job well done”.