School Information
What is Title I?
A school qualifies as Title I based on the percentage of students on free and reduced lunch
The purpose of Title I is "To provide all children significant opportunity to receive a fair, equitable, and high-quality education, and to close
educational achievement gaps."
(ESSA Sec. 1001, P. 22)
Title I is federally-funded program under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA) reauthorized by
Congress as The Every Student,
Succeeds Act (ESSA) in
December 2015
Title I Goals:
Help students to achieve proficiency on state academic standards (primarily in reading/language arts, mathematics, and science)
Build teacher capacity through high-quality, ongoing professional learning opportunities.
Enhance parents' abilities to help their children succeed through high-quality parent and family engagement activities.
Provide a well-rounded education for all students
Extra Funding
All teachers and aides are highly qualified.
Full time counselor
Reading Aides
Professional Development Workshops for teacher
Students supplies and materials
Family engagement nights
Title I teacher Leader
WSD Attendance Goal:
80% of all students will achieve
95% or better attendance
(9 or fewer days)
Please contact the office if your student will be absent or late.
(801) 476-5300