School Information

What is Title I?

  • A school qualifies as Title I based on the percentage of students on free and reduced lunch

  • The purpose of Title I is "To provide all children significant opportunity to receive a fair, equitable, and high-quality education, and to close

educational achievement gaps."

  • (ESSA Sec. 1001, P. 22)

    Title I is federally-funded program under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA) reauthorized by

    Congress as The Every Student,

    Succeeds Act (ESSA) in

    December 2015

Title I Goals:

  • Help students to achieve proficiency on state academic standards (primarily in reading/language arts, mathematics, and science)

  • Build teacher capacity through high-quality, ongoing professional learning opportunities.

  • Enhance parents' abilities to help their children succeed through high-quality parent and family engagement activities.
    Provide a well-rounded education for all students


  • Extra Funding

  • All teachers and aides are highly qualified.

  • Full time counselor

  • Reading Aides

  • Professional Development Workshops for teacher

  • Students supplies and materials

  • Family engagement nights

  • Title I teacher Leader

WSD Attendance Goal:

  • 80% of all students will achieve

  • 95% or better attendance

  • (9 or fewer days)

Please contact the office if your student will be absent or late.

(801) 476-5300