Digital Media Device (DMD) Policy
Student Electronic Device Policy - 8350
Weber School District has a new electronic device policy for this year.
Section IV "Prohibited Uses at School and School Related Activities" states that
"Elementary students are prohibited from using privately-owned electronic devices during school hours. Elementary students are also discouraged from using privately-owned electronic devices before school once they are on school property."
Section VI "Student Violations" outlines reductive consequences for violations.
Reteach by classroom teacher
Device confiscated by classroom teacher, returned at the end of the day
Device confiscated and turned into the office, returned at the end of the day
Device confiscated and turned into the office, picked up by parent/guardian
Repeat offenders subject to disciplinary action
*Students bring digital media devices on school property at their own risk. The school is not responsible for lost, stolen or damaged electronic equipment.