Safe School Policy
For the safety of students, staff and visitors to our schools, the Board of Education of the Weber School District has adopted a strict Safe School Policy which absolutely prohibits the following conduct in school facilities, on school grounds, or during scheduled school activities:
* Any threat of act of violence
* Possession of any type of weapon, real of facsimile, regardless of intent
* Any form of gang-related activity
* Any type of criminal behavior
* Any destruction or defacement of school property
* Willful disobedience or persistent defiance of authority or disruptive behavior including the use of foul, profane, vulgar, and abusive language.
Violators of this policy may subject themselves to the following:
* Immediate request for police investigation
* Automatic suspension from school
* Mandatory parent or guardian conferences with school or district authorities
* Referral to district Student Services Office for placement determination
In cases involving severe or repeated violations,the student:
* May be placed in an alternative educational program
* May be referred to other programs in an effort to resolve the problem
* May be expelled from school. (A one-year expulsion is mandatory for an incident involving firearms.)
Copies of the School Safety Policy are available upon request from the school or District Office.