Boys & Girls Club

Since 2019, Burch Creek has partnered with Boys & Girls Club of Weber-Davis to provide an After School Program that offers activities such as Tutoring, Homework Help, STEM, Robotics, The Arts and much more. Visit our website to learn more! Building Future Leaders
Site Coordinator: Kennedy Pitt Email Kennedy Pitt 801-823-9670
Assistant Site Coordinator: Sydney Pomeroy
Receptionist: Willow Loveland Email Willow Loveland
YDP's: Karlee Brand-Laing, Kenndalynn King, Lola Ward
After School 2024-2025:
First Day of Club: August 26th
Last Day of Club: May 23rd
Hours: M,T,Th,F: 3:15 PM to 6:15 PM, Wednesdays / short days: 12:15 PM - 6:15 PM
Club Closure days:
Club Closure Days